Monday, June 25, 2007

The Fantasticar: A lesson in frustration

I'm a huge Fantastic Four fan. So it only makes sense (as far as fanboy logic goes) to buy anything FF related... Even if I don't need it or simply don't have room for it. Such is the case with Toybiz's Fantasticar from the Fantastic Four movie- the local Toys'r'us had an abundance of these at a measly $12. With little regard to the size issue- I picked one up...

Getting it out of the box and assembled was quite the task.

Components free of cardboard, tape, twisty ties, and plastic brackets.

Now the fun part- connecting it all together...

"Excuse me- do you know the way to the Negative Zone?"

Ready for action...

Quite the fun accessory to my FF lineup. The Fantasticar is the only vehicle that works perfectly to the scale of the figures. A great comic representation as well. Very slim chance of every seeing the X-Men's Blackbird or Avenger's Quinjet like this.

Now the frustration- I have no where to put the darn thing. It's huge. It's bulky. It didn't come with a stand (duh). Looks like I'll have to do some rearranging on the top shelf, clear it off, or hang it from the ceiling. Hoo-boy. Moving around things on my shelf is like a bull in a china shop. It's clobberin' time.

Yet from seeing it on the comic pages to an actual 3-D version of it, with the figures inside, it really does pop. Not the typical "Mr. Fantastic's Shuttle Screamer" or anything stupid like that. Best $12 I've ever spent on a FF toy.


At 1:08 PM, Blogger googum said...

Nice. I've wanted one of those for a while, but would doubtless be in the same boat regarding space.

I used to have a ball of twisty-ties bigger than a baseball: everytime I bought a toy, the twisties went on the ball. Hadda toss it before I moved in with my future wife...


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