Sunday, December 31, 2006

Video Game Lane: N64

Here's my favorite N64 games with commentary. Not a huge list. Not the most favorite system I ever owned. But man, Goldeneye still holds up today.

Excitebike 64:
An update to a classic that didn't suck. Plus you could race on the originally NES track (from a different perspective however). Fun!

Forget Doom, Quake, and your Halos. This was THE game of games. Proximity mines in the bathroom with multiplayer- genius. Gold.

Mario Kart 64: People still argue with me that the SNES version was better. FEH! MK64 was where its at. Loved playing the vs. mode with my cousins after Goldeneye, of course.

Super Smash Brothers: Beating the sh%* out of Pokemon with your pals. Finally, our wishes are granted! Thanks Nintendo!!

StarFox 64: Packaged with the famous 'rumble pack'. You'd take a hit and feel the controller rumble in your hands. Amazing. The crew could now talk- including Slippy the Frog who I wished went back to beeps and garbles from the original. Stupid Frog. (I really should make a list of frogs I hate in videogames). The game handled great- twirling and boosting through a boxy world. Boss battles were a blast too. Gold.

And that's it for N64. Out of all the systems controllers though, I liked the N64 one the best. Looked goofy- played great. Hmm...sounds like the Wii....


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