Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's New Comic Wednesday

I've decided its finally time I should post what books I'm getting each and every Wednesday (along with a quick review) including anything else comic related. Spoilers I'll keep to a low- unless it's utterly fantastic. I've noticed with a toy shortage as of late, my blog has been more video games and less comics- for that I apologize to the many fanboys and girls who read this blog. Without further ado, here's what I bought this past Wednesday:

The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #9

Cover: Multiple Flashes running. Yeah, it's cool to see the transition of Bart as Impulse to Kid Flash to Flash, but it's been done. When your only power is super-speed- your covers need to pop. This falls flat. A pinch of Photoshop effects would've helped.

Art: Let me just say this category is according to my tastes. I don't hate the art, but I don't love it. Passable, but no Alex Ross or Jim Lee. Or even Mike Wieringo.

Story: The last of an arch in which Bart is struggling in Los Angeles with a girlfriend and the ocassional supervillian. Eh. Loved Bart on the Titans book, but feel he's straying too much from what he 'could' have been. Definitely needs more of a Robin One Year Later approach.
Anixously looking forward to the next creative team.

Action Comics #846

Cover: Love Kubert's chalk sketch covers. Instantly grabs my attention from the rack- the contrast of the bright Supes in the center pulls it together in one nice image.

Art: Again, love it. I've really missed Kubert since his departure from the initial run of Ultimate X-Men. At first, I thought his gritty style wouldn't fit Superman's character- the clean-cut boy scout, but I've been proven wrong issue after issue. When Superman gets punched you feel it right along with him.

Story: The return of the General Zod and crew from the Phantom Zone, a mysterious boy with Superman's powers, and the colorful cast of the Daily Planet make this a great tale. Pick it up!

Wizard #186

Cover: Whoa. A dead Jimmy Olsen and a teary fist clenched Superman make this a must have for my coffee table. That would make any non-fanboy pick up Wizard to give it a look see.

Art: Uhh..gonna skip this section for magazines- too many artists.

Stories: Wizard's been pretty crappy lately. Ever since the jump to magazine format and dropping the sub-head: the guide to comics to the magazine of comics, entertainment and pop culture, Wizard hasn't been the same go to comic news source it once was. Now, it's the internet. Still, Wizard is now beefier, and with a new layout- things are starting to look up for my once favorite geek mag. More sketch books, comic preview pages, and that zany Wizard humor. I mainly buy it to find out about comics I won't have to buy- since they spoil just about everything- that, and it helps if the internet's down.

That's it for this week- Tune in next week for a whopping EIGHT BOOKS I'll have to review.



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