Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Board Game Shelf

Here's a picture of board games I own. Yep, three shelves worth.

Why so many you ask? "Why not?" I reply. Variety is the spice of life and not everyone enjoys Monopoly. I've found that most people downright despise Monopoly. It's the game that never ends until you want to strangle somebody or simply give-up because there's no possible way to win. Yet I own two versions of it. Weird.

I currently own 26 boardgames and only play about half of them. Still, its nice to show them off and have someone's face light up and want to play one. "OOhh...Jenga!"

I've been meaning to have more boardgame nights to help filter out the crappy ones (like Uno Attack- you thought Monopoly never ends-yikes!) and replace with new favorites. The latest additions (I've yet to play) are Mall of Horror and Kill Doctor Lucky. Reviews to come soon- or go to (the wikipedia of boardgames) if you're too antsy.

Game on!


At 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dissing Monopoly, shame. Show some respect for the Boardgame, "Godfather of Roll"

You gots to pass go if you want to collect your $200. Go to Jail or Just Visiting? Dealing with the utillities, and everyone one's trying to get paid on Boardwalk.

That game's gangsta!


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