Saturday, February 17, 2007

Ghost Rider

Quite the turnout for Ghost Rider last night. Chuckled to myself when I saw guys walking in with leather jackets. Sure, it's just their normal attire- but when you also match the character onscreen it shouts "FANBOY" to me regardless. I wore a Superman t-shirt to Superman Returns. I also write this blog.

Anyhoo- Ghost Rider is entertaining, much like X-3. Comic characters brought to life on screen, but don't really seem to go anywhere- emotionally or plot wise. It is fun to watch and laugh at though. Great catchphrases from GR and other characters as well. Very odd parts in the movie too- like Eva Mendes unveiling a Magic 8 ball from her purse while waiting for Johnny to come to dinner, Nic Cage acting a lot like Elvis- especially when in his white stunt jumpsuit, and red and yellow jellybeans he tips back from a martini glass 'cause drinking "gives me nightmares". Uhh....okay.

In terms of re-watch-ability, I'd watch it again- not enough to buy the DVD- but definitely prefer it to Daredevil, Elektra, and even Fantastic Four.


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