Saturday, October 06, 2007

Random stories

So I had a couple friends over last night for grillin' (brats) & gamin' (Halo). I also cut up some veggies to throw on the grill. Would've been nice to have gas left to cook with though...

Got a $30 dollar rebate check in the mail yesterday. So taking advantage of a Buy one get one for $1- I bought some shoes. And yes Chris, I even factored in pop can returns.

Bought Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer, will mostly like buy Transformers. Will mosty likely NOT buy Spider-man 3.

Took a comparison shot of the various zombie game pieces I own. I like zombies.

Not content with Gamestop's generic used game sleeves, I create my own- with a little help from Here's my version for House of the Dead 3. I could really get into this...


At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool, i'm actually mentioned in your blog! Well, sorta, anyway... Looking forward to playing the zombie game in candle-light at my Hallowe'en party.


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