Saturday, October 06, 2007

You say goodbye and I say Halo

Note: I've recently bought an Xbox 360 as well as Halo 3...

In the words of Fraiser Crane: "Good God!"

Halo 3 is gaming perfection. The amount of detail and sheer options made for this game is astounding. Halo 3 gives you the ability to rewatch an entire session of gaming and control it like a DVD. Rewind, fast-forward, take screenshots, and even record film clips if you so chose from any angle. This makes the game that much more enjoyable- rather than just trying to defeat your opponent, you now do it for bragging rights with physical evidence to humilate them over and over again.

Gameplay is slick too. Various weapons at your disposable, unique maps and vehicles keep me coming back for more. I've even made a Halo playlist for during our multiplayer sessions called Halo 3: Music to Frag By.

Songs include: One way or Another- Blondie, Rip it Up-Jet, Keep yourself Alive-Queen, Special Delivery-Offspring, Why Can't we be friends-Smashmouth, and several others. I think I'm up to 25 songs currently with more on the way.

I've also started compiling songs for Dead Rising. Thriller, Help!, and the theme from Beetlejuice. Actually several Beatles songs fit the whole survial horror theme.....Elenor Rigby, Hard Day's Night, Nowhere Man.

Not since the mix tape have I enjoyed custom playlists so much.
Man, am I glad I bought a 360. PS2 R.I.P.


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