Saturday, April 21, 2007

97 to go

97 to what you ask?

Craziness, that's what.

I'm a geek. I like goofy things. I buy comic books- not for them to go up in value, not to have them graded, or throw them out when I'm finished reading them.

I buy them because I love the art- the stories, the color- the sense of escapism you control in your hands. And the ads, my goodness, the ads- a flashback to my childhood of memories from past movies and games.

I love comic books. I don't think I'll ever stop buying them. Here in lies the problem. Comics are my crack, my achilles heel, you get the idea. I buy them whenever and wherever I can. And because I'm anal retentive (my friends can vouch for this), I bag and board my books. ALL of them.

So today as I got to bagging my most recent treasures, I thought it was time once again to re-organize the bunch. This is quite the daunting task to a comic geek. One-shots, Mini-series, Crossovers, Revamps, Promos...these are just a few possibilities among ONE character. Just one! And how was I going to organize titles within one characters' multitude of books? There's Spectacular Spider-man, Amazing Spider-man, Sensational Spider-man, Spider-man 2099, Spider-Man Family....the list goes on. Do I put the books in order of oldest to most current? Or books I know I'll look at more often than others? Leave room for further books in that series or just fill up the boxes? I overthought this way too much...but again, I'm anal retentive, I'll admit it.

Anyway, 97. What does that mean?

97 books until I break 1,000. ONE-THOUSAND. COMICS. ONE-THOUSAND COMICS.

I can't believe it. It's amazing and terrifying....

How many more books could I possibly obtain? More importantly, how much longer until my 2nd floor closet gives out from the weight?



At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

97 comics to go, 97 comics, pick one up, pass it around, 96 comics to go, 96 comics to go, 96 comics, pick one up, pass it around, 95 comics to go...


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