Custom Ghostbusters Game
Being a huge Ghostbusters fan, I've decided to make my own Ghostbusters Boardgame. I looked up any previous GB games and found only two. TWO? C'mon....
Anyway, one is the version I had as a kid, a 3-D version similar to Mouse Trap where you would lead the GB's through four different locales. While fun at the time (and a bitch to step up) it never really captured the GB spirit. The second game was similar to the current Marvel Heroes game, in which they explore districts throughout New York City, trying to gain the most cash for ghosts captured in addition to using the Ecto-1 and Ecto-Copter to move around the board. I had never seen or played this version, but it sounds interesting. Both games featured the same box art- but different boards.
With these two games to fuel the fire, I proceeded to look at other games I may be able to use as a template for gameplay, and more importantly, use pieces from. I found that the room tiles from Betrayal at House on the Hill along with the ghost finder figures from Horrorclix (and various monsters) would be a winning combination.
The theme of the my game would be exploring the various rooms of the haunted mansion for ghosts, capture them, and then escape. The Ghostbuster with the most captured ghosts wins. However, Death is also in the mansion waiting for you. Angry at stealing away his customers, Death will take his vengance out on you by stealing back your ghosts. Maybe even killing you in the process....(losing turns)
I'm using the same three card decks that came with Betrayal, but updating the text to reflect lines, objects, and quotes from the Ghostbuster universe- including both movies, cartoons, and yes, even one object from the Flimation Ghostbusters- just for laughs.
Here's pics of the figures (removed from their clix bases) including a Slimer which was originally a pencil topper. Enjoy....
This is my favorite. Death is HUGE!