Sunday, October 29, 2006

More Justice League Rants

I thought the frogs were bad. I was wrong.

Playing further into Justice League Heroes on my PS2, I discovered a new level to drive me crazy. Having just defeated Brainiac who in turn, is defeated by Darkseid, I'm sent to another dimension courtesy of Motherbox. This dimension is similar to that of the Negative Zone from Fantastic Four. (Chunks of rock floating in space) The league is split up into groups of two (not surprising) and must fight they're way to various teleporters with three possible generators: pink, blue, and green.

The game then becomes a series of trial and error, PITA (pain in the ass) "jumps" from each generator trying to find your way throught the level.
I'll be nice and spoil it- blue-green-blue-green, then 5 green again.

And, if that wasn't enough- the monsters you fight club you to death and have screaming hand shockwaves to rapidly drop your health. Add to the fact that you're in close quarters, you rarely get health potions, you're forced to play with characters you haven't leveled up with since level one, no Superman, and you've got one mess of a level. Near the end, they ease up...with a GIANT SPIDER.


Luckily, I managed to pick up a few JLA tokens and unlocked Green Arrow, who's really cool to play as with his various arrows: fire, rapid, electric, crusie, etc. He's your ranged attacker you want for your team if Superman's not available. Plus- his banter is funny too.

Other than the frogs and negative zone, I really do like this game. Honest.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Justice League Heroes Rant

I love it.

Except for the damn frogs. Yeah, that's right- FROGS. If you haven't played it yet- beware of the projectile vomit frogs in the level with Green Lantern and Flash. There's a mission where you have to save scientists (huddling in fear) from The Key's monster generating portals. Usually two Super Mario style mushrooms emerge, quickly followed by the vomit frog.

Saving the scientists should be a piece of cake. Afterall, you do have the most powerful weapon in the universe along side the fastest man alive. Not so.

Fists clenched in anger, my friend and I tried repeatedly to rescue the scientist. The frogs keep coming and coming. It was until we used GL's box prision to contain the scientist/frogs that we were finally able to beat the level. Good lord.

Just a warning to all those who think the game is easy. Or it could be that I just suck at video games....I'm sure its that.

On a postive note, the game is fun. Being it the first and probabbly the last Justice League multiplayer on the current systems, Snowblind did a great job. The characters powers are well represented and the ability to swap characters is a plus. Hawkgirl who I recently unlocked is a neat character to play as. She has a sonic scream (for those Black Canary fans) and multiple mace atttacks.

Dwayne McDuffie (writer on JL-JLU) wrote the story for Justice League Heroes, and it shows. The story keeps you interested and the dialogue between characters keeps you chuckling during the game, like when characters die. Flash: "Whoops, looks like I'm the last guy standing." Each heroes powers come well into play too. Like using Flash to run in-between a spinning fan, to Superman using his heat vision to cause more damage to the white martians. Why it took so long for someone to produce this game is beyond me. As much as I love this game, it seem dated and out of place. The whole two-player,side-scrolling beat-'em-up is dying. Which is sad because these were the games that I really enjoyed growing up on Sega.

I'm interested in how Marvel Ultimate Alliance is going to stack up on the Nintendo Wii. Will it bring the genre back to life, or keep it at its current pace? My friend is going to pick it up for his XBox, so I won't pick it up for the Wii unless the game is beyond amazing. (It just so happened that I bought the first X-Men Legends the same time he did and never played mine.)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Saturday, October 14, 2006

When banners collide!

This doesn't bother me in the least, but still it is kinda funny. I didn't know Iron Man was in the Justice League. Huh...

Happy Hallomas?!?

Why snow? WHY? I was just starting to enjoy the fall colors when BAM! snow on the ground-
No more color. Freezing cold. Scraping the car in the morning. Teeth chattering.

But today everything's back to normal...hmm. Odd.
I don't know of any weather controlling mutants in the area, but they'd better knock it off.

More comic goodness....

Thursday, October 05, 2006

To Wii or not to Wii

It's console trade-up time again!

With X-Box 360, PS3, and Nintendo Wii at consumers fingertips, it's hard to choose which system will not only work best for you- but more importantly, last longer than the Sega Dreamcast.

(I personally liked the Sega Dreamcast. Sega was great at making video games- just not systems to support them: Sega Master System- Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn, etc..
Nintendo had it share of stinkers too, Virtual Boy anyone?...and the trash heap of Game Boy handhelds? Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy SP, Game Boy DS. ugh.)

Fun Fact: Sony had originally planned to team up with Nintendo prior to the release of the N64 or the then called 'Dolphin'. Nintendo turned them down, and the Sony Playstation was born.

My verdict: As long as there are Halo fans, X-Box will reign supreme. Wii will be a close second- the alternative to intense online play- and for people who flat out suck at video games and need to improve their hand-eye coordination. PS3 will finish up the bunch- not providing a whole lot to the table other than a bigger box with more crap inside and the number 3.

Don't get wrong, I own a PS2 and I love it. But I'm not jazzed to get a PS3. After college I learned that not everyone enjoys spending their weekends button mashing until their eyes bleed and the 'dew/beer can runs dry- including me. The Wii seems to have taken the Eye Toy concept from Playstation and developed a whole system around it that not only is practical in the majority of games (thru the use of a nunchuk like controller and motion sensors you swing the controller to make your character swing at the monster on screen. Neat.) but made it fun as well for almost any audience regardless of skill/FRAG level. There's also the cost. It's the cheapest of the bunch at $250 which is the same cost as a PSP. Say, I don't have a PSP.....

Now the question remains: Which makes more sense to get the Wii or the PSP? A all-new, all-different system or a handheld? The answer is...I really don't need either. I'm just a video game geek at heart who can't get enough of these wonderfully (expensive) pieces of plastic.