Saturday, August 11, 2007

Wizard World Chicago Comic Convention W2C3

Attended my third* comic con this weekend with friend Dan of d-r-m fame. Had an early start (somewhat) arriving at the con a half hour after they opened. Quickly ran around the floor like I had just eaten several pixie sticks before having to slow down and regroup from the sheer size (663 booths) and over-stimulating eye candy of comic goodness. Spent the majority of my time hovering over comic boxes like a racoon rummaging through a trash can. Purchased several trades and added them to my bag- without realizing the increasing weight forced upon my shoulder. The final straw was the Absolute Batman Hush Trade- which is equivalent to a cinder block (combined with my other trades). I started to slow down, but pressed onward. Took several pics of the con and con folk along with some odd things as well- like this shoe buffer guy:

I can understand the need to have good looking shoes while strutting your stuff- but at a comic con? Who even wears shoes there worth polishing? Maybe if you're dressed up like the Monopoly guy I guess....seemed really out of place.

Here were some action figures in a box: "Paddle faster you fools!"

Sony had an interesting booth promoting their PSP system- a mock up of a subway car where you could just sit down and play inside of it. Neat.

Want a t-shirt? (wall one of four)

Snapped a quick photo of Fat Momma of 'Who wants to be a superhero?' fame.

Various people dressed up as superheroes, villians, and um....Wario.

In the end, I had quite the haul of trade paper backs and back issues, plus various freebies from the kind folks at Wizard and DC:

*But is this truly my last con? Maybe so. Besides 50% off tables, Ebay seems to be the only way to go for unique hard to find items, if you can find a deal. As for the panels- most of them are being recorded for podcasts that you'll just end up listening to later on. I find too, that panels take away from much needed floor time- time spent finding those books before someone else. But the experience of the con floor, the sights, the sounds, and the unatural smells are what make it fun and exciting. You'll never know who or what you might run into out there. It's great to be in such a huge colorful space with your fellow fanboys and girls. I'll probably skip next years, but be back for the following... Jeff out.


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Castle Doom (part 2 of 2)

Finished my creation of Castle Doom, a map I picked up over on It turned out better than I thought- along with mini-portraits of Dr. Doom adorning the castle walls, a dinning room, and prision cells. Here's the map flat....

...and here it is completed in glorious 3-D:

The Fantastic Four vs. Dr. Doom and his Doombots:

"Pass the salt RICHARDS!!"

Reed vs. Doom in the library- along with some lost souls...

Fantastic Four in jail:

I still may add a few more things here and there- haven't decided yet. Possibly including more of Doom's Time Machine. Looking forward to trying this map out the next game night.