Elvis Pez
Wow, it's been awhile since the last blog post. Since I'm going to be moving soon, my attention has been on condensing all my stuff into an endless supply of boxes and rubbermaid totes. I've also been busy with the holidays and lettering a book for my friends, Adam and Comfort. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Happy New Year to all, by the way....
Today, I picked up (on x-mas clearance) an exclusive Elvis Pez collection in a record shaped tin. It contains three Elvi? from his career- '58 Army Elvis, '68 Happier times Elvis, and my favorite of the bunch- '73 Downward Spiral Jumpsuit Elvis. The tin also contained three cola flavored pez candies and a three track cd- with one song I actually knew, Hound Dog. Elvis Pez, who would have thought? This will be a great addition to my every growing collection.
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
The bookshelf- before and after
As stated in previous multiple posts, I have too much junk. The good news is that for all the junk I do buy, should I grow tired of it, has potential resale value. True, if I were to average out the cost of buying/reselling I wouldn't come close to breaking even. Still, I feel better about my own twisted form of recycling, or as friend Chris calls it: Jeff Math. I also enjoy less clutter too. Here's a before and after pic of my bookshelf after a recent 'cleaning'.
My enormous Marvel Legends collection- taking up two shelves and a domino effect waiting to happen. Yowza.
The same shelves post E-bay. I pulled trades out of comic boxes and added to the shelf above for easier access. I read them more often now. The Justice League nine inch figures look a lot better than 100 little figures. Easier to dust too. Squint and you'll see The Atom at Wonder Woman's feet.
Uh....okay. I'll admit the second picture looks worse than the 'before' pic. I have good reason..really. First, I've bought more games. Second, I organized by playability rather than by box shape. I found it difficult to run through 30+ games trying to decide what would be good for certain groups and clarity of rules/time. All the bottom games take an hour or more to play, which I found the average person gives up on after about 10 minutes. Bummer. Good thing I have plenty of friends who DO like these games. I'm still in the process of filtering out the crummy games. One day I'd like to get TWO bookcases- one for comics and one for boardgames. I'll make do for now.
This is the one thing that hasn't changed. Yet. These stackable comics or DRAWER BOXES are a fantastic space saver. The drawers on the bottom slide out for easy access, while the boxes on top provide the weight (without crushing them) to keep them in place. Once I do get a bigger place I'd like to actually build a comic back issue box like the one you'd find in any comic store- then place the drawer boxes underneath. Another thought was to have comic sleeves on the wall where I could replace the issues as I see fit- like those plastic baseball card sleeves but comic size and mounted to the wall. Not sure how this would look, but interested to try.....Whew!
Civil War in Riverdale
I picked up the latest Archie digest while grocery shopping today. I found the cover to be particularly amusing. Rarely do you see Archie taking sides against his chums as if he's prepared to fight to the death in this parody of so many face-off covers that have come before it. The story very loosely parallels Marvel's CIVIL WAR although the issue here isn't anti/pro-registration but rather anti/pro-increase in allowance. Archie is pro, wanting more money to spend on dates, and Jughead is anti, believing that an increase would mean less 'buddy' time with Archie. (insert Chasing Amy joke here) Sigh.... Even in high school, these kids are still getting allowance. Doesn't anyone work in Riverdale? Friggin' kids.
The resolution comes by way of Mr. Lodge (Veronica's wealthy old pop) who talks to all the parents and get this: "WILL get an allowance, provided they keep up with their chores and responsibilities!" That's it? No dead teenagers? No traitors? No underground rebellions?
Two words: Lame ass.
I've spent way too much time on this post. Stupid Archie.