More Justice League Rants
I thought the frogs were bad. I was wrong.
Playing further into Justice League Heroes on my PS2, I discovered a new level to drive me crazy. Having just defeated Brainiac who in turn, is defeated by Darkseid, I'm sent to another dimension courtesy of Motherbox. This dimension is similar to that of the Negative Zone from Fantastic Four. (Chunks of rock floating in space) The league is split up into groups of two (not surprising) and must fight they're way to various teleporters with three possible generators: pink, blue, and green.
The game then becomes a series of trial and error, PITA (pain in the ass) "jumps" from each generator trying to find your way throught the level.
I'll be nice and spoil it- blue-green-blue-green, then 5 green again.
And, if that wasn't enough- the monsters you fight club you to death and have screaming hand shockwaves to rapidly drop your health. Add to the fact that you're in close quarters, you rarely get health potions, you're forced to play with characters you haven't leveled up with since level one, no Superman, and you've got one mess of a level. Near the end, they ease up...with a GIANT SPIDER.
Luckily, I managed to pick up a few JLA tokens and unlocked Green Arrow, who's really cool to play as with his various arrows: fire, rapid, electric, crusie, etc. He's your ranged attacker you want for your team if Superman's not available. Plus- his banter is funny too.
Other than the frogs and negative zone, I really do like this game. Honest.