Sunday, December 31, 2006
Video Game Lane: Super Nintendo
The system I didn't get until college, but played many a times at friends houses growing up. Here's my favorites for the SNES....
Donkey Kong Country: It's Donkey Kong in a two player side-scroller. Gold. Monkeys never get old.
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts: The music, the weapons, the gameplay. Gold. Hated being turned into a old man or chicken from the treasure chest. Was extremely hard- but definitely worth it. Thanks Capcom.
Mortal Kombat 3: The first fighting game with blood and gore. Great! Always a bonus to see if you could pull off the fatalities, friendships, and specials. TOASTY!!
NBA JAM: Unrealistic dunking skills aside, this game was a blast. Every player moved like the Flash and could engulf the ball in flames. Go Milwaukee!!!
Super Punch-Out!!: A tribute to the classic. Sadly, no Mario referee. Or Mike Tyson. Well, that's okay though....
Super Street Fighter 2: Finally! New characters- the indian, the jamaican, the bruce lee knockoff, and Cammy- the british babe. Gold.
Battletoads and Double Dragon: Best team-up in a video game ever! Plus, it had those speeder bikes from the original Battletoads. This time I could actually beat the level....
TMNT 4: Turtles in Time: A near perfect translation of the arcade game. Flinging the Foot Soldiers at the screen was an added bonus. Turtle Power!!
Super Mario All-Stars: Holy crap. EVERY Mario game including the 'Lost Levels' (Mario 2 in Japan) on one cartridge?? INSANE! This needs to be on the Virtual Console- NOW.
Super Mario World: Best launch game ever. Yoshi was a nice bonus which didn't take away from the classic Mario formula. Gold. Just like the box says.
That's it for SNES- the sytem I originally wanted instead of the Genesis. But as you can see from my later posts- it still held up.
Video Game Lane: N64
Here's my favorite N64 games with commentary. Not a huge list. Not the most favorite system I ever owned. But man, Goldeneye still holds up today.
Excitebike 64: An update to a classic that didn't suck. Plus you could race on the originally NES track (from a different perspective however). Fun!
Goldeneye: Forget Doom, Quake, and your Halos. This was THE game of games. Proximity mines in the bathroom with multiplayer- genius. Gold.
Mario Kart 64: People still argue with me that the SNES version was better. FEH! MK64 was where its at. Loved playing the vs. mode with my cousins after Goldeneye, of course.
Super Smash Brothers: Beating the sh%* out of Pokemon with your pals. Finally, our wishes are granted! Thanks Nintendo!!
StarFox 64: Packaged with the famous 'rumble pack'. You'd take a hit and feel the controller rumble in your hands. Amazing. The crew could now talk- including Slippy the Frog who I wished went back to beeps and garbles from the original. Stupid Frog. (I really should make a list of frogs I hate in videogames). The game handled great- twirling and boosting through a boxy world. Boss battles were a blast too. Gold.
And that's it for N64. Out of all the systems controllers though, I liked the N64 one the best. Looked goofy- played great. Hmm...sounds like the Wii....
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Spider-Sense Tingling!
Picked up two more Spideys for my Spider-man ML collection yesterday from the Spider-man Origins line...Iron Spider-man and Spider-man 2099. Not as 'super poseable' as the box claims, but they are just sitting on my shelf- as long as they can stand and look good, I'm happy.
(Left to right: Armored, Black Costume, Iron, Classic, 2099, Scarlet Spider, and Amazing Bag Man- a custom Mr. Fantastic)
The New Avengers! (minus Luke Cage and Ronin)
Video Game Lane: Atari
The first video game system I ever owned, Atari was amazing. Looking back the graphics are no doubt horrific, but to a little kid of the 80's it didn't matter. I was playing games on tv. Below are my top favorites.... along with the box art which was a bit misleading. Most of the boxes didn't have screenshots either. When it came to buying a game you were out on a limb- "Please don't let this game be as bad as E.T." Stupid E.T.- yeah, I owned it.
Basketball: As mentioned above, I was playing games on a tv. Games I sucked at in real life. Simple and fun. Go Green!
Bowling: Who knew this would help my skills in WiiSports?
Boxing: The best boxing game I've ever played- next to Punch Out! on Nintendo. I don't why the boxers look like Olive Oyle from Popeye.
Breakout: Horizontal Rainbow Pong. It was always a challenge to get the ball stuck at the top racking up as most points as possible.
Circus Atari: Spring your second player into the air and pop balloons. Fantastic. Sometimes I miss catching him on purpose just to see him fall on his head with his legs dangling in the air. Ouch.
Combat: Battling a friend/sibling with tanks. Moved like real tanks too. The suspense of making it behind a barrier before the bullets hit....Gold.
Dodge 'em: The original Crazy Taxi! Sort of. Drive a spider-like car around a track over dots like Pac-Man while switching lanes over and over. Was surprisingly harder the further you got in the game.
Donkey Kong: Save your girlfriend from a damn dirty ape. Watch out for those chocolate chip cookies Mario!
Fishing Derby: What fishing should be in 'reel' life. Ha. Race a friend to catch the most fish while avoiding the hungry shark. Would make a great Wii Sports game.
Freeway: The Frogger knock off that was better than Frogger. I could actually win this game, and it was two player. Gold.
Joust: Ride your flying ostrich shooting and picking up eggs that turn into powerups. Then turn into something else. I can't remember. Fun to play and hear the flutter of the ostrich wings.
Jungle Hunt: What I thought was the sequel to Pitfall! was actually something else. The first game where the screens actually changed between levels. Swing through the trees. Swim with sharks, run and jump over tikki men all to rescue the damsel in distress. Gold.
Mario Brothers: I got this game towards the tail end of the Atari's amazing run. By this time I wanted something more than just a black screen with pixels. I had no idea that these two plumbers would bring video games into the future. Weird.
Maze Craze: The premise: A cop chasing a Gallager-like theif in a box factory. Umm..yeah. As you can see by the screenshot, it made you dizzy fast. The bright colors didn't help either. I loved running around aimlessly in the maze, but my eyes couldn't take it after awhile.
Minature Golf: Played similar to Combat and Breakout. Bank your ball off the corners to sink the putt. Quite the great game for being so simplistic.
Ms. Pac-Man: A true classic. My sister can still kick my butt at this game. Darn it.
Pitfall!: Another classic- despite the game never quite ending. I could never quite get past those alligator heads- so I'd just head downstairs until I hit a brick wall six screens in. D'oh!
Skiing: Living in Texas at the time, this was the closest to skiing I got. Was werid seeing an all white screen but handled great.
Space Invaders: The third and final classic. I'd always blow out one of shields to get to those pesky aliens.
And that's it for the Atari 2600. Thanks for starting the addiction. I blame the 80's.
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