Make your own Simpson character!
Getting antzy for The Simpsons Movie? I know I am- so I checked out their website and found a neat custom Simpsons character creator. Here's me...
If you've read the latest New Avengers (#30) you know Elektra was revealed to be a Skrull. Shocking? You betcha. First time this has happened in the Marvel U? Don't think so. Check out Fantastic Four #357 from way back in '91...
I'm a huge Fantastic Four fan. So it only makes sense (as far as fanboy logic goes) to buy anything FF related... Even if I don't need it or simply don't have room for it. Such is the case with Toybiz's Fantasticar from the Fantastic Four movie- the local Toys'r'us had an abundance of these at a measly $12. With little regard to the size issue- I picked one up...
Every once in awhile, New Comic Wednesday goes overboard. Comics are always a given of course, but then there's that one, or two, or three items you weren't expecting. Well, maybe you were- June 27th is one of those days. Here's what coming out...
Played another rousing game of Heroclix this past Wednesday with pals Chris and Adam. Sadly, Dan was not able to participate- which means I'm filling in for his post on d-r-m. Dan has it down pack: stats, CLEAR pictures, and witty commentary. Anyhoo- here's the map from this weeks game:
Looks like Twilight Creations Inc. is at it again with two new boardgames coming in the next two months: Reiner Knizia's Gravediggers and Haunting House 4: They don't build 'em like they used to. No question as to how they games will look (great) but playability is another thing...more to come kids.
The bar was set at Mole Man height as my friends and I entered the theater to watch FF 2. One hour and twenty-nine minutes later we were all pleasantly surprised. Shocked even. This movie didn't suck. It wasn't dissapointing as the first film and although it did have it share of groans and WHAT?! moments- it was good. Comic book good.
At least on the new Fantastic Four Extended Edition DVD.
Went to Burger King with friend Chris the other day and saw the new Fantasic Four 2 kids meal toys.